Akim of Kostanay region Kumar Aksakalov welcomed the participants of the 19th Forum of Interregional Cooperation of Kazakhstan and Russia
" This platform has a traditional character and is an integral part of mutual cooperation. – the Head of the region noted. – The theme of the Forum – "Agriculture is the basis of a strong economy" is relevant for Kazakhstan and Russia, since the countries have large land and natural resources, we face global challenges.
The industry must become more resilient to climate change. This task is assigned to the scientific and business community of the two countries. On the part of the state, it is the development of state programs to study climate change and develop new methods to minimize soil fertility losses."
According to the akim of the region, the modern agro-industrial complex system faces the most important task of increasing labor productivity, ensuring satisfaction of the growing needs of the population and cost reduction.
This is achieved primarily through investments in human capital, that is, in education, healthcare and improving the living conditions of rural residents.
"We need innovative solutions and efforts to increase agricultural productivity and reduce food losses.
For us, there are great opportunities and competitive advantages in this challenge.
We are quite capable of making a qualitative breakthrough in agricultural production.
To do this, it is necessary to combine efforts and build a clear system of interaction, which will be based on the village and the villager with a high standard of living," Kumar Aksakalov summed up.
Source: Akimat of Kostanay region